Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The 44th US President

Today's inaugration of Barack Obama can't escape the reality that he is the first African American president of the United States. That moment is history and needs to be savoured and reflected upon. I hope that is not the end.

I am excited about this day for more than the colour of the President's skin.

When Obama said, that America wouldn't sacrifice its ideals for safety's sake; that ideals would not be set aside to allow for expediency, I heard that the US Military will no longer have permission to commit torture (or more accurately, have the definition of torture restored).

When he said, that America will be a friend to other nations, I heard that the era of carte-blanche labeling of some as evil was over.

When he said that change had come, I heard that for some, the change they were seeking was becoming real; and I heard that for others a change in attitude would be needed for them to be part of this new world.

"All [people] are created equal": I am hopeful that this is truly believed and that the fear-based ideal that "some are more equal than others" has been thrust back to 1984.

"There is no longer Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female", rich or poor, religious or secular, straight or gay, etc., etc., etc., and etc.

I know that there will be the resisters of change. But their voice is waning and even many of them are being changed. Alleluia.

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