Saturday, April 4, 2009


You may know that I have been struggling with a chronic cough for 15 months now. It seems to particularly flare up when I was lying down (like trying to sleep) or when I am speaking for any length of time (like preaching, or conducting weddings/funerals). In the past year I have been poked and prodded, tested and examined from head to toe. My regular medications have been scrutinized a dozen times. In the past couple of months, my doctor had only one or two things left to try - a new med here; a change in pattern there. VoilĂ . I'm not sure what worked in the end, but I am sleeping better and coughing less. I'm tempted to thank God for this change, but I know God is with me whether I cough or not; whether I am healthy or ill. So, I will simply thank God: not for healing, not for this change, but for simply being present with me, now as always!

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