Tuesday, September 14, 2010


The last several years have been so dry that by September the grass was brown and prickly. But 2010 has been wet. The grass is green and sitting on a bed of soft muddy dirt. I remember in 2005, spending many rainy evening watching minor football practices. It may not be quite that frequent this year, but I do need to keep the umbrella close. Why did I ever say: "if you have to practice in the rain, I'll watch in the rain."

I know that what is a minor inconvenience for me is extremely worrisome for farmers who have crops in the field that the combines can't get to.

And so I've been thinking about, how relatively my life is pretty good. I get down sometimes as I struggle to make life work: keeping a balance between work and home; looking after others in my care and finding care for myself; trying to be a loving, good husband and partner; being a dad who is forgiving and guiding. I feel like I am barely keeping my head above water sometimes.

But relatively, I have more than enough, I enjoy my life as best I can and I and doing pretty good. I will try not to get too down in the rain.

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